Lowongan Kerja Bogor


8 November 2023

Baca Juga

As a result of the teamwork of scientists combined with creative minds, Tavi was born. Using the right knowledge of science, we help you explore and attain your skin goals.

Currently hiring for COMMUNITY CREW positions

  1. Fresh graduate (minimum D3)
  2. Experienced as a community or organization leader/member
  3. Have a passion in beauty industry, digital content, live streaming and community development
  4. Creative and innovative thinking
  5. Able to work at a dynamic pace and with high mobility
  6. Strong ability in communication, negotiation and interpersonal skill
  7. Customer relationship management oriented
  8. Client oriented with good multitasking
  9. Has a good sense of masstige Gen Z culture
  10. Active and willing to active on social media
  1. Event planner and organizer
  2. Community generator
  3. COntent creator
  4. Digital live streamer

Komplek Pergudangan NAS Warehouse, Gudang I, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor No.KM 41.2, Pabuaran, Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java 16916

Kirim CV dan Lamaran ke:
Link Pendaftaran : DAFTAR DISINI
  • Deadline : 10 November 2023
  • Penempatan : Bogor
  • Jenis Pekerjaan : FREELANCE
Semoga lamaranmu diterima ya 😍
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